d3m0nCTF lite™


d3m0nCTF™ is a trivial puzzle entirely authored by Demonical. It is completely related to informational security, effortless and remorseless. Throughout this hopefully funny and hard adventure you'll be presented to all main vectors of modern informational security, including applied cryptography, web vulnerabilities scanning, pentesting, PWNing, reverse engineering, artificial intelligence (AI) applications, et cetera.

Currently you are located in Stage 0 of the puzzle. Do not expect it will be an easy path. Tasks, mere and immere, await you, my friend. Good luck, heh. I highly hope I can encounter you on Stage 1.

Warning: write-ups and PoCs (Proof of Completions) are mandatory for any stage and will be reviewed at one point. You may start writing them starting from the very-very beginning. he-he-he...

Als0, d0n't f0rg3t 50 5H38K07T 07H35 5R71T10N9 0F D3M0N%C!l *&$ !@@*%*+N\L &$^@#^$%!...